

Verdad News

We wanted to share with you some recent news about Verdad.

First, Forbes ran a story last week on how "the pandemic-induced market plunge of 2020 turned a gut punch for the 34-year old investor into a giant opportunity." The profile describes how we applied our research into Crisis Investing in last year's turbulent markets.

Second, the Wall Street Journal featured Verdad's research in a piece on drawdowns, quoting me saying, “when you look at different asset classes, you want to understand the chance of a loss and the likely magnitude of that loss. That’s why looking at drawdowns is so essential.” The story is based on our weekly research note Cash and Equivalents.

Third, Verdad's director of credit, Greg Obenshain, is featured on Corey Hoffstein's podcast discussing quantitative credit and how "excess return comes from identifying improving and declining credit conditions."

We hope you enjoy reading these stories and listening to this podcast. We will return to our regular research programming next week.

Graham Infinger