

The Perfect Portfolio

This week, I reviewed my first book for the Wall Street Journal: In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio: The Stories, Voices, and Key Insights of the Pioneers Who Shaped the Way We Invest by Andrew W. Lo and Stephen R. Foerster. I've included the first two paragraphs and a link to the full review below.  

‘In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio’ Review: Models and Mavens

Surveying the most brilliant minds in the field, this financial primer considers the power and limitations of a scientific approach to investing.

Financial markets are unpredictable, prone to fads, bubbles and crashes. This frustrates academics who would prefer that the stock market obey Newtonian laws.

Andrew Lo and Stephen Foerster have written an intellectual history of modern finance theory, built around interviews with influential academics and thoughtful practitioners. Their book documents the quest for the perfect portfolio, and shows how far from a science investing remains.

Graham Infinger